February 10, 2012


Occupy DC and several labor groups have plans for the Conservative Politial Action Conference (CPAC) that kicked off on Thursday:


Occupy DC calls the conference speakers “a who’s who of dastardly politicians” in an announcement posted Tuesday on its website. The announcement describes a “mission” organized by Occupy DC members along with the labor groups AFL-CIO, SEIU, National Nurses United, Metro Labor Council and OurDC to “Occupy CPAC” by creating “as much non-violent resistance as possible, and [making] this a conference the attendees will never forget.”

According to the announcement, the group is organizing protests to take place at noon and 5 p.m., which will coincide with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s speech. The group also plans a march from Malcolm X Park to the conference location, at the Marriot Wardman Park Hotel in Northwest Washington.

“CPAC will parade and attempt to perpetuate the radical right wing’s imperialist ideologies with keynote speakers, movies and banquets dedicated to pursuing its racist, sexist, patriarchal and exploitative agenda,” the announcement reads. According to the protest organizers, the conference aims to “glorify the role of money in politics.”

In a poster also available on the website, the group casts the high-profile speakers scheduled for the CPAC conference as “The Shady Bunch,” in a riff on the 1970s TV show “The Brady Bunch.”

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