In this video, a flashback to 2011, Occupy the Boardroom: "We brought 99 red balloons down to the headquarters for Goldman Sachs where we hoisted up messages from the 99%. Our balloons totally got their attention — I could see people
October 25, 2012

In this video, a flashback to 2011, Occupy the Boardroom:

"We brought 99 red balloons down to the headquarters for Goldman Sachs where we hoisted up messages from the 99%. Our balloons totally got their attention — I could see people in offices and board rooms waving and snapping photos with their iphones. So strange. We didn’t quite reach the penthouse, but we did manage to carry them up to the 20th floor. Quite a feat!"

"We also had a couple of signs: “Goldman Sachs -you’ve got mail!” “Can you hear me now?”; “Goldman Sachs - we need to talk.”'

Now the latest from Occupy the Boardroom:

"We are honored and humbled to announce that, because of the power of the stories that everyone has submitted since we created this space, the non-profit publishing house N+1 has agreed to publish a book made up of your letters to the 1 percent!

This isn’t their book and it isn’t our book. It’s your book, drawn from the thousands of stories submitted to Occupy the Board Room since we launched in October of 2011. These are stories from Democrats and Republicans, property-owners and struggling families, business people and retirees, immigrants and Mayflower descendants, religious leaders and fervent capitalists, and a lot of bank employees past and present.

You’ve been polite, funny, outraged, moving, instructive, and inspiring.

And that’s why we are putting your words in print – so that you can inspire the creation of an America that works for all of us."

I had the great privilege of being able to help in a small way on this project, and it was amazing to see so many poignant letters pour in from all across the country. There used to be a great stigma attached to having financial problems, and especially for families who were going through having their home foreclosed on -- they suffered in silence, and felt ashamed. Occupy the Boardroom ended that silent suffering as people began to realize that they weren't alone.

This book, "The Trouble is the Banks: Letters to Wall Street" is a piece of history that documents the greatest economic crisis since the Great Depression, and it's told through the letters written by Americans, in their own words. You can order a copy at Occupy the Boardroom's website now.

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