Dear Eminem, Help! The "Occupy" movement needs more protest songs! Seriously, they're doing disco! Oops, wrong browser... Actually this video is rather cute and clever, but beware the "P" word. What's the "P" word, you ask? See
November 29, 2011

[Warning: Language may not be suitable for work.]

Dear Eminem,

Help! The "Occupy" movement needs more protest songs! Seriously, they're doing disco! Oops, wrong browser...

Actually this video is rather cute and clever, but beware the "P" word. What's the "P" word, you ask? See the link here for the actual song title and complete lyrics.

But, if you suffer from flashbacks of disco balls, sequins, polyester suits, and nose-bleed inducing platform shoes (That are back in style, gee thanks, Lady Gaga!)...just consider yourself warned.

Here's the opening:

I first was pepper sprayed
Just standing on the side
But it took me being blinded
to open up up my eyes
Cause I'd read the daily news,
and not responded actively
and I realized then and there
this revolution needed me

So here I am,
camped in a tent
Which is really so convenient
cause I can't afford my rent
But they came with shields and mace
In the night while it was dark
A NYPD army
Sent to clear Zuccotti Park

We'll protest on, with catchy phases
We're going global
From London to Uc Davis
If you think that your batons are going to get us to go home
GO on and hit me, I'll just upload it from my phone.

Can you help us out?

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