We haven't seen the last of Big Bird--or his Muppet friends. Around a thousand protesters turned out for the Million Puppet March on Capitol Hill on Saturday to demonstrate against Mitt Romney's promise to cut funding to Public Broadcasting Services.
November 3, 2012

We haven't seen the last of Big Bird--or his Muppet friends. Around a thousand protesters turned out for the Million Puppet March on Capitol Hill on Saturday to demonstrate against Mitt Romney's promise to cut funding to Public Broadcasting Services. There were Big Birds, Kermits, Elmos, and Miss Piggies in attendance, along with some humans holding signs like “Puppets for Peace” and “Keep Your Mitts Off Big Bird.” “We’re just making it clear that public media matters, and it’s something that we want to see supported and we still want to see federal funding of,” said co-organizer Michael Bellavia.

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