Crazy Wayne LaPierre returned to the spotlight with a rabblerousing speech at the National Rifle Association's convention in Houston, Texas, on Saturday. “We will never surrender our guns, never,” LaPierre told a cheering audience. The NRA executive vice president argued that tragedies like Newtown and Aurora are being used "to blame us, to shame us, to compromise our freedom for their agenda." He also noted the recent defeat of a background check bill in the Senate, saying it would have done nothing to prevent mass shootings.
“Our feet are planted firmly in the foundation of freedom, unswayed by the winds of political and media insanity,” LaPierre said. “To the political and media elites who scorn us, we say let them be damned.”
Sen. Pat Toomey, a Republican from Pennsylvania, co-sponsored the background check bill. Toomey has said the bill failed to pass because members of the GOP did not want to hand the White House a policy victory.
LaPierre also referenced the Boston Marathon bombings and subsequent manhunt as an argument for putting guns in the hands of more Americans.
“How many Bostonians wished they had a gun two weeks ago?” LaPierre said. “Boston proves it. When brave law enforcement officers did their jobs in that city so courageously, good guys with guns stopped terrorists with guns.”
With the mass confusion in media coverage during the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing, I shudder to think what would've happened if all of Boston had been running around with guns loaded and ready to blast. How many different people were identified as the Boston bomber(s) before that horrible night ended?
Let Wayne LaPierre be damned, and anyone else who puts anything before the importance of protecting our children; our true national treasure.