March 29, 2012

Roswell's 'Chicken Man' Presumed Dead After House Explosion:

Tragic: Andrew Wordes, 53, of Roswell, Georgia wanted to raise chickens on his property more than anything, however city ordinances prohibited livestock in his area, and officials refused to grant a permit for him to do so. Many citations and code violations later, Wordes -- who became known locally as the "Chicken Man" -- was sent to jail over the chickens and fell behind on his mortgage and soon faced eviction. Friends and neighbors say that the the ongoing legal troubles "took a toll on Wordes".


On Monday, Wordes called a reporter with the local news and asked him to come to the house. When Mike Petchenik, the reporter, pulled up in the WSBTV truck, he saw Fulton County Marshalls trying to speak to Wordes through the front door. They were trying to evict him from the home.
Wordes denied them entry to his home and refused to come out.

In a two hour stand-off, Wordes spoke to Petchenik on the phone, and told him to get the Marshals off his property. His last words to Petchenik were: "I appreciate everything, brother. I appreciate everything you've done. I can't tell you what's going to happen, it ain't pretty, though."

Antonio Johnson, one of the Marshals on the scene said: “Once he advised us to leave his property, we retreated. And that’s when the explosion happened.”

The explosion shook both the house and the neighborhood and the remains of a charred body were found, which has now been confirmed to be that of Wordes.

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