NJ Governor Chris Christie jokingly (?) threatens to go "Jersey-Style" on Iowans at a campaign rally for Mitt Romney on Friday in Des Moines... Via nj.com: Gov. Chris Christie likes to say he’s improving New Jersey’s image around the
January 2, 2012

NJ Governor Chris Christie jokingly (?) threatens to go "Jersey-Style" on Iowans at a campaign rally for Mitt Romney on Friday in Des Moines...

Via nj.com:

Gov. Chris Christie likes to say he’s improving New Jersey’s image around the country.

But at a campaign stop in Des Moines Friday morning, Christie let loose on Iowa Republicans with all the attitude they’ve come to expect from the birthplace of "The Sopranos."

"If you don’t do what you’re supposed to do for Mitt Romney on Tuesday," Christie said, defiant in only a suit jacket against the biting cold and wind-whipped rain, "I will be back, Jersey-style, people. I will be back."

A few hours later in Cedar Rapids, Christie was unrelenting in an interview: "I hope they’ve taken me seriously because I will come back here plenty angry if they don’t do the right thing on Tuesday night. So they don’t want that. They’ve seen that. It’s not good."

Gingrich had already used the crying thing, so threats were really all that was left.

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