February 8, 2013

An 11-year-old boy has been placed in a medically induced coma after what his dad says was a bullying attack at his school.

Bailey O'Neil is a sixth grader at Darby Township School, in a working-class suburb outside Philadelphia, and according to his father, four weeks ago, he got into a fight with a classmate, who had been bullying him along with some other kids. He struck Bailey in the face over and over again. He wound up on the ground with a fractured nose and a concussion.

Bailey was checked out at a hospital and released, but his parents noticed right away that he didn't seem quite like himself.


"He was sleeping. He was moody. He wasn't himself. He was angry a little bit. He wasn't really eating," O'Neill said.

A few days later, Bailey took a turn for the worse and started having violent seizures.

Doctors at A.I. duPont Hospital for Children were forced to put Bailey into a medically induced coma almost two weeks ago.

"Every day I'm trying to stay strong for him, but when you get into that hospital room and you're looking at him, I would trade places in a heartbeat. It's my buddy, you know," O'Neill said.

Bailey is an honor student, an athlete, and a big brother.

The bully received a two-day suspension from the school, and police have not yet filed any charges in the case. A police investigation is ongoing.

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