October 11, 2009

Retired Gen. Jack Keane told ABC's George Stephanopoulos that if he were Gen. Stanley McChrystal then he would resign if President Barack Obama doesn't fulfill the request for more troops.

Partial transcript:

KEANE: Well, I can't speak to what General McChrystal's reaction will be. I can say this, if you're a general on the ground and you believe that a recommendation you made is the winning recommendation in terms of strategy, that will accomplish the goals that you have been assigned, and then, you're told that you can't execute that and ask the troops to go out and do something else that you don't believe will accomplish those goals, that gets very difficult in terms of a morale dilemma -- asking your troops to do something that you believe will fail.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Do you resign?

KEANE: That would be up to him to face that. That's something personal for every general.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Is that what you would do under those circumstances?

KEANE: Yes. The fact of the matter is, the president has a right to make decisions. One of the recommendations they get are from generals. That's the reality. The president also has a right to take information from other sources to inform those decisions.

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