November 3, 2013

Parents in New Mexico were outraged last week after finding graphic anti-abortion propaganda attached to candy given to their children on Halloween.

Frank Valdez told KRQE that he noticed the cards with photos of fetuses and anti-abortion messages in the trick-or-treat bags belonging to his friend's kids.

"We just noticed these cards attached to certain candies and started pulling them off, and we were pretty shocked to see that kind of stuff targeted at kids," Valdez recalled. "They're forcing an agenda on little kids, pretty much."

A debate over abortion has heated up in recent weeks in the lead up to a vote on a 20-week abortion ban in Albuquerque. Election day is Nov. 19, but early voting began last week.

KRQE tracked down the woman who handed out the anti-abortion propaganda to trick-or-treaters. While she refused to be go on camera, she defended her right to spread her beliefs if children came to her home.

But some residents think that targeting kids on Halloween should be out of bounds.

"My gut reaction is anger because children should not be subjected to that kind of adult material," one neighbor insisted to the station.

(h/t: Think Progress)

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