Officials in Bangor were forced to reroute a Fourth of July parade on Thursday as police and emergency crews responded to a man reportedly firing "dozens" of shots in the area where the event was scheduled to end.
July 4, 2013

Officials in Bangor were forced to reroute a Fourth of July parade on Thursday as police and emergency crews responded to a man reportedly firing "dozens" of shots in the area where the event was scheduled to end.

A statement from Bangor police on Thursday ordered spectators to stay out of the downtown area while officers responded to a "despondent person in an apartment there."

The Bangor Daily News reported that the man had fired "dozens of rounds."

Photos tweeted by the Daily News showed officers in camouflage tactical gear, officers with their guns drawn, emergency vehicles and crime tape blocking the downtown area.

The Times Record later tweeted that police "have gagged social media images of shooter standoff in Bangor."

According to the Daily News, the last shots were heard at around 11:00 a.m. ET. As of 11:45 a.m., no additional gunfire had been detected, and there was no word on the status of the shooter.

Update (12:28 p.m. ET): The Bangor Daily News reports that two additional loud "pops" occurred around 12 p.m.

Update (12:40 p.m. ET): A shooter was taken into custody, according to WLBZ Assignment Editor Jessica Gagner.

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