President George W. Bush told Fox's Brit Hume that he approved enhanced interrogation techniques for suspected terrorists like Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Bush explained, "My view is the techniques were necessary and are necessary."
Many critics view waterboarding and other enhanced interrogation techniques approved by Bush to be torture. The president disagreed with notion that such tactics amount to toture. "I firmly reject the word 'torture,'" said Bush.
Dave N: Mebbe Bush believes that because he's Preznit, he gets to deciderer what the meaning of words is. But by every national and international law that defines torture -- including the laws by which we have convicted people of other nations and sent them to prison -- waterboarding and a number of the "enhanced interrogation" techniques are definably torture.
Moreover, Bush can give these acts whatever fancy word he wants -- it's still torture in the eyes of the world. That, and not Bush's hermetically sealed little world, is what matters in the end.