Back when she was a cast member of Saturday Night Live, I didn't find Victoria Jackson particularly funny. I thought her ditzy-blonde routine was too over the top and demeaning; nobody could really be that idiotic, I thought.
Later, I came to realize that it wasn't just a routine. And I was wrong about that "nobody could really" thing.
For instance, there was Jackson, one of the "All American Panel" on Sean Hannity's Fox News show Monday night. And really, you have to watch the performance to believe it, though the transcript gives you some of the flavor:
Beckel: I'm just curious. Have your taxes gone up in the last six weeks since Obama's been president?
Hannity: They're about to.
Beckel: No no no no. Have they gone up? [To Jackson] Have yours gone up?
Jackson: My motivation is gone, because he will punish me if I'm successful. That's how you start communism, is just take -- Cuba. Obama wants to be Castro.
Beckel: What?
Jackson: Obama wants to be Castro!
Hannity: To each according to his needs, from each according to his ability. That's Marxism.
Beckel: So you're aligning yourself with the communist -- who's the communist?
Jackson: Obama.
Hannity: He wants to redistribute the wealth.
Jackson: Obama --
Beckel: You know, I'm speechless. I just won't say anything else.
Jackson: OK, I'll talk. I'll talk.
Beckel: I'm sure you will.
Jackson: Well, I've never been involved in politics. 'Cuz it's just neh neh neh, neh neh neh. But all of a sudden it was, it was: Oh, Hillary Clinton is a socialist, she wants to socialize medicine. Well, I'll have to vote against her. And then all of a sudden a communist appears! Out of nowhere! And that's when I started to get involved. So I did research. Uh, black liberation theology, his church, is Marxist. And his professors are Marxist. Redistribute the wealth --
Beckel: With all due respect --
Hannity: Black liberation theology is rooted in Marxist the -- the Marxist --
At the end of the panel segment, Jackson flourished her Bible and said we need more of that.
Is this is the face of the new conservatism? The average, Fox-watching, Limbaugh-loving American? If so: Wow.