Bill O'Reilly, in last night's Talking Points Memo, wonders if's support for Obama's stimulus plan makes the whole package suspect. As if we couldn't see this coming. Bill, why don't you just skip the phony excuses and come out against it?
After O'Reilly plays an Americans United for Change ad tagging House Republicans for kissing Rush Limbaugh's feet, he chimes in:
O'Reilly: Sounds a little like Tokyo Rose, doesn't it?
Now, that group is associated with MoveOn, and they're both so radical and so hateful that anything they support has to be scrutinized all day long. Why do these far lefties want so much government spending? There's got to be an ideological component to it.
First he says they sound like traitors, then he makes them sound like a front for MoveOn -- that eeevil "far left" group.
Well, if you look at SourceWatch's rundown on AUC, you'll see that they've had various dealings with MoveOn, mostly secondary, but it's certainly not a front for them. Moreover, as to MoveOn's "far left" positions, judge for yourself just how radical they are. They sound pretty mainstream American to me, especially judging by the polling on these positions.
But then, one suspects that O'Reilly would consider Dwight Eisenhower a far-left radical too.