February 2, 2009

Mitch McConnell's press conference today (you can see the whole thing at Heather's place) was mostly an exercise in pushing the limits of what "bipartisan" means, which is how our discourse on the economic-stimulus plan has gone. But it was notable for this:

McConnell: But I can tell you this, with regard to the measure that's on the floor this week, there is considerable -- and you're hearing -- considerable senatorial Democratic unrest about this package. Considerable. I think there is a bipartisan feeling that this is not the way to get the economy moving.

Gee, thanks, Ben Nelson and the Blue Dogs.

But this is all so much kabuki. Even McConnell makes plain that "the goal" is to pass a package, so they need to go through a certain amount of posturing so they can claim victory whether they vote for it or not and go home when it passes anyway. And we have to listen to it.

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