August 1, 2009

Markos commissioned a national poll to ascertain just how many people out there are suckering for the right's "Birther" conspiracy theories.

For the country as a whole, it looks good:

Do you believe that Barack Obama was born in the United States of America or not?

Yes 77

No 11

Not sure 12

But when we look at Republicans alone, it looks pretty grim:

Yes No Not sure

Dem 93 4 3

Rep 42 28 30

Ind 83 8 9

In other words, nearly a third of them believe the Birthers outright, and another third of them think "they may have a point there, Vern."

And where are the bulk of these gullible saps from?

Yes No Not sure

Northeast 93 4 3

South 47 23 30

Midwest 90 6 4

West 87 7 6

These numbers reveal that there's a strong regional component to the abject willingness of some Americans to buy any kind of cockamamie BS available if it bashes liberals.

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