April 6, 2010

Has anyone else noticed that a lot of WorldNetDaily nutcases are showing up on Sean Hannity's show these days? First it was Jesse Lee Peterson, spouting crazy talk about Obama destroying America. And then, last night, it was WND's managing editor, David Kupelian, hawking his new book, How Evil Works: Understanding and Overcoming the Destructive Forces That Are Transforming America.

And just who and what is evil? Why, President Obama and the Democrats, of course:

Kupelian: I think we have a terrible problem right now, Sean. Basically, what we're looking at is -- let's say it. Can we say it on national TV? -- We're looking at an attempted socialist coup d'etat in Washington, D.C. And people are really, freely unhappy about it.

And you know, the thing about Barack Obama -- you know, 53 percent of us voted for him. Sixty-nine million Americans. But this is a guy -- I know it sounds crazy, but here's a guy who has been steeped in Marxist ideology for the past thirty years.

Things proceed as they usually do on Hannity's show with these "All American Panel" -- with Bob Beckel trying to bring some touch of sanity to the conversation, while Hannity readily agrees to the nutty stuff coming from his far-right guests. (They all agree at the end that Obama is "the most radical" president in American history.)

Finally, Beckel -- who gets used mostly as a football on these shows, much as Alan Colmes once was -- reaches his limit:

Beckel: Let me jsut say this. I've tried to be a nice guy tonight and be all the rest of that -- let me tell you something. The idea that the President -- you call the President of the United States a Marxist -- is, as far as I'm concerned, it's worse than Joe McCarthy calling people in the State Department a Communist. And you ought to apologize for it.

Of course, because it's Fox, no apology is either forthcoming or even considered necessary.

Obviously, Hannity is doing his best to keep up with the competition from Glenn Beck. So it looks like he's meeting his wingnuttery quota by calling on his new friends at WND, and its resident nuts are going to become regular fixtures. How lovely.

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