Sean Hannity was whining last night with his "All American Panel" about the unfair treatment of Sarah Palin by the media, including the various sexist remarks:
Hannity: What woman is going to want to get into politics if they're treated this way?
Interesting question. Even more interesting is the question: Why didn't Sean Hannity ever ask that about the sexist treatment of Hillary Clinton from 1992 onward? (Treatment, we should add, he happily administered.)
But the most un-self-aware of his comments came shortly afterward:
Hannity: You know, Jennifer, it makes me mad, because Obama had zero qualifications -- he was a state senator, he didn't even serve a full term in the U.S. Senate, he'd never had executive experience. He never got asked tough questions about his radical friends and associates, except by me and others. I find -- why the double standard exist here?
Actually, Obama was regularly asked about his "radical friends" by not just Fox News anchors but also a number of other journalists. He was also asked about it in a national debate with John McCain. He was challenged about it by Hillary Clinton.
ON THE OTHER HAND ... Was Sarah Palin ever asked tough questions about her radical friends and associates? You know, the ones Max Blumenthal and I dug up in Wasilla and elsewhere -- particularly the Alaskan Independence Party and its Bircherite cohort.
Er, no. Especially not by any Fox News anchors.
So yes, there definitely was a double standard at work there. Maybe Sean Hannity should answer his own question.