August 4, 2009

Last night, on Sean Hannity's Fox News Show, Dick Morris carried forward the right-wing "let's scare the elderly" strategy by pushing the "Obamacare will euthanize our seniors" meme:

Morris: The key thing for the Republican Party to project is that this is the end of Medicare. Because if the senior citizens are united in their opposition to this, and they really go crazy on this issue, this is dead.

Hannity: So it's really the senior citizens.

Morris: It's really the senior citizens. They're the ones that are going to suffer. Rationing isn't going to affect you. It isn't even going to affect me. It's going to kill our parents! Literally!

Hannity: Yeah. Yeah.

As Susie says, they really don't come any more despicable than this. Morris increasingly resembles a glowering little gnome who lives in the sewers.

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