I'm pretty sure Ann Coulter must practice her toxic little bon mots in front of a mirror, because they never really are spontaneous. But you can always count on them to be irredeemably vicious and usually eliminationist, like this one tossed out Friday on Sean Hannity's Fox News show:
I asked [Joy Behar] if she wanted to be aborted, since she supports the right to an abortion, which is my new idea for detainees at Guantanamo, that we just submit them to what liberals consider one of our precious constitutional rights, a partial birth abortion.
Just so we're clear here: Coulter is using "abortion" as a synonym for murder, so she's suggesting -- jokingly, of course! It's just a joke! Can't you liberals take a joke? -- that we murder the detainees at Guantanamo.
But before registering that little bit of ugliness, Coulter brought up something of a sensitive subject:
Um, yeah, waterboarding, as I mentioned before, has been submitted to by various male hosts on Fox News. There was a period there, I mean, it must have been sweeps week. Every time I'd turn on the TV I'd see a Fox News correspondent being waterboarded.
People don't -- ah -- journalists keep submitting themselves not just on Fox, but submitting themselves to waterboarding, and then saying, 'Whew, that was torture.' Um, no, you wouldn't submit to it if you were attaching electrodes to your testicles. That's torture!
And Nancy Pelosi hearing about this -- 'Oh, but it wasn't going to be practiced until a month from now' -- that's torture! Dunking somebody's head in water is not something we prosecuted Japanese for, and it's certainly not torture!
Her claim about how we handled Japanese waterboarding is, of course, a flat-out lie.
But we noticed Hannity squirming in his seat a little as Coulter began talking about all the Fox employees who actually have been waterboarded for the sake of greater News Corp ratings. Because Sean Hannity, after all, offered to be waterboarded "for charity" back on April 22 on his show with Charles Grodin (we've attached that clip to the end of this video):
However, two weeks later, Hannity has yet to mention the promise again — despite the offer from MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann to help Hannity raise funds by donating $1,000 for every second Hannity is waterboarded.
Funny he didn't follow up on that with Coulter, dontcha think? I mean, Hannity's a big brave red-blooded American, isn't he?