Well, we've known for awhile that the wingnuts are getting themselves all worked up into a nice paranoid tizzy over the nonexistent evil liberal plan to reinstitute the Fairness Doctrine.
Still there was Fox News' Casey Stegall hot on the case today from LA. But notice something missing from the report? That's right -- any actual liberals who are advocating such a thing. So Stegall gives this lame excuse:
But not a single lawmaker who has called for a return of the Fairness Doctrine rules, when offered this national platform, would go on camera to talk about it.
That's right, those evil liberals are so sneaky they're planning this but not talking about it. Though you'd think he'd at least be able to name one of those "single lawmakers."
I'm sure the logical reality -- that in fact there are no liberals who are proposing such a thing anywhere either in Congress or at the FCC -- didn't cross Stegall's mind.
Or at least, they didn't let it ruin an otherwise perfectly good storyline.
Fox News, Fake News. What's the diff?