July 7, 2009

[H/t Heather]

Al Franken doesn't have to crack another joke for the rest of his life, and he'll still be providing us with a bottomless parade of high comedy -- inadvertently, as it were, in the form of right-wing pundits pitching themselves into a downright frenzy over his election to the Senate.

Especially Bill O'Reilly.

He was on vacation last week when the news came down, so last night he had the chance to finally weigh in, and he did:

O'Reilly: Check one: In a sad day for America, Al Franken is now a U.S. senator. The Minnesota Supreme Court ruled he won the election by about 300 votes. Franken is a blatantly dishonest individual, a far-left zealot who is not qualified to hold any office, a man who trafficked in hate on his failed Air America radio program. If you want proof, check out Page 96 in my book Culture Warrior. With people like Franken on the Hill, this country is in deep trouble.

Stephen Colbert needn't parodize this one. It's already self-parody.

Of course, all this stirs up fond memories. Like the 2003 BookWorld Expo in Los Angeles:

And who can forget Fox v. Franken? Ah, good times, good times.

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