Glenn Beck had on Rob Kampia of the Marijuana Policy Project to discuss the proposal to decriminalize pot possession in California and to use the revenues to pay down the state's budget deficit.
Now, Beck has already wished aloud that we could kick California out of the Union, so no doubt this just adds to his angst.
But if you'll notice: One person in this conversation was calm, reasonable, had an abundance of facts at hand, and actually made pretty good sense. The other person was incoherent, meandering, silly, made a lot of irrelevant observations from outer space, and relied on dumb stereotypes and non-facts.
And Glenn Beck was not the former. On top of that, his nonstop sneering at Kampia made him look like a real sphincter.
In fact, this entire clip generally makes a convincing argument in favor of the marijuana advocates. If the best the opposition can come up with is this kind of gaping stupidity ...