How does Ann Coulter, appearing on Gerald Rivera's Fox show last night, react to President Obama's speech at Notre Dame? Why, by attacking the faith of the students who attended and applauded, and especially that of Notre Dame administrators, of course:
Coulter: I don't think he was speaking to people who have any objections to abortion. I think more interesting than watching Obama give a speech for graduation, um, they should have had the administrators of Notre Dame onstage taking a polygraph test on whether they believe in God.
Um, apparently being a professor at a chic Catholic university is a good gig, and you're respected, and you get paid well. But no, I don't believe these people are serious, genuine, practicing Catholics.
Quoth the woman who has yet to have ever declared herself a practicing member of any faith, let alone Catholicism. She eagerly declares herself a Christian, while blithely uttering such Christian remarks as: "Those few abortionists were shot, or, depending on your point of view, had a procedure with a rifle performed on them. I’m not justifying it, but I do understand how it happened."
But Kirsten Powers -- herself a pro-life Democrat -- points out how crass Coulter's hypocrisy is about all this by noting that Catholics are every bit as opposed to the death penalty as they are to abortion. Coulter -- herself a fan of the death penalty -- erupts, interrupts, and tries to claim (sans evidence, as usual) that Catholics are much much much more anti-abortion than they are anti-death-penalty.
This is why Coulter doesn't go on shows very often where her co-conversants aren't friendly. She doesn't do well when challenged directly.