[media id=11329] John went on MSNBC yesterday afternoon to talk health-care reform. He was paired with John Stirewalt, the Washington Examiner's poli
December 29, 2009

John went on MSNBC yesterday afternoon to talk health-care reform. He was paired with John Stirewalt, the Washington Examiner's political editor, who was not only at a disadvantage in the neckwear department but had the misfortune of having to defend the sorry record of the Party of No.

Amato most of all issued a challenge of sorts to the House of Representatives to stand up for itself in the face of the Senate's mishandling of the legislation:

Amato: To say that it's dead is way premature, because they still have to go to conference. And the House has to make a choice: Are they actually a legislative body? Do they have a say in this process? Or is Congress just Joe Lieberman? So really, right now, it's still premature. Liberals are still fighting, progressives are still fighting.

It will be worth seeing whether the House rises to this challenge.

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