November 24, 2008

Republicans seem to be viewing the nascent Obama administration with some dread, half expecting Democrats to do to them what they've been receiving for the past eight years and more. So unsurprisingly, Karl Rove seemed to be on Chris Wallace's mind Sunday when he interviewed David Axelrod of the Obama team on Fox:

Chris Wallace: Finally, you are going to be the new senior adviser to the president -- I don't know if you're going to like this comparison, but are you going to be the Karl Rove of the administration, in the sense of the intersection of policy and politics?

David Axelrod: I've never accepted that comparison. Look, my role with Barack Obama for the past six years has been to help the communications operation impart his message, his values and his vision to the American people, and I expect to continue to do that. My role is circumscribed to those responsibilities.

I'm not trying to build the Democratic Party or any of these other -- I think Mr. Rove had quite an expansive portfolio. I think mine is very focused.

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