December 30, 2008 News Corp BILLO: Impact Segment tonight, a viewer warning, there is a satire called "Barack the Magic Negro" that will offend som
December 31, 2008

December 30, 2008 News Corp

BILLO: Impact Segment tonight, a viewer warning, there is a satire called "Barack the Magic Negro" that will offend some people, no doubt about it. But in order for us to report on this, we have to play some of the satire, so be forewarned.

The parody is by Paul Shanklin, who writes comedy material for Rush Limbaugh among others. The problem is that Chip Saltsman, a former Tennessee Republican chairman, has sent Shanklin's satire to some RNC members, and that is causing some concern. Roll the tape ...

Dave N: Yes, it deeply pains BillO to run this tape. After playing it, Larry Elder tries to pretend that liberals say similar things all the time and get away with it (right).

None of the guests seem to remember that as soon as Barack Obama was elected, the airwaves were filled with right-wingers -- from Bill Bennett to Sarah Palin to Michelle Bachmann -- talking about how Obama's election made them feel good about America and themselves because it was such a racial landmark and how it proved racism was now dead in America. Talk about a magic Negro!

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