Don't get your hoop-skirt panties in a twist; the power behind "September 12 is Burn a Confederate Flag Day" is the wonderful satirist Jesus General. Burn the Confederate Flag Day is a protest against the right's exploitation of racial
August 19, 2010


Don't get your hoop-skirt panties in a twist; the power behind "September 12 is Burn a Confederate Flag Day" is the wonderful satirist Jesus General.

Burn the Confederate Flag Day is a protest against the right's exploitation of racial prejudice for political gain. We urge you to burn the Confederate flag, a long-time symbol of racial hatred, on Sept 12, the date when the racially-divisive Tea Party holds its annual hate fest.

Those who object because the rebel flag is "part of their heritage?" So is Willie Horton. The hoop skirts and plantations are completely dependent on the slave trade and Jim Crow, and it's about time someone called conservatives on their nostalgia for racial inequity. Shame.

The organizers expect participants to obey local fire ordinances. Open thread below....

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