March 10, 2010

From LitBrit at Cogitamus:

Several weeks ago, reader Jacqueline sent me this gorgeous YouTube creation: it's Aaron Copland's haunting piece, The Promise of Living, set to a montage of old 8mm and 16mm films of human beings doing what we do best: living and loving. I wonder if you can make it all the way through without tearing up. I certainly couldn't.

Several colleagues are dealing with losses of one kind or another today. Lots of emails back and forth about how short life is and how we need to be grateful for every single day. And then, today was the first warm day of Spring here in central Illinois. Gratitude for small things.

What are you grateful for, and what are you listening to? It's a music/gratitude thread tonight.

PS Our sister site Newstalgia has for its mid-week concert feed, Mitsuko Uchida in recital, live from the Champs Elysees Theatre in Paris - September 30, 2009 - playing Beethoven.

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