There was a veritable gold rush of SRWTs after the President made some remarks about the George Zimmerman verdict. But I'm particularly amused by Simon's, just for the wingnutty historical perspective.
Let's roll the tape as far back as Roger can likely remember, say, 1968.
That was the year that Richard Nixon uncorked his noxiously racist "Southern Strategy," which the GOP is still very much following, despite the fact that a former Republican Party chairman apologized for it.
In 1976, Ronald Reagan followed the same race-baiting playbook with his fictitious "strapping young buck" and "welfare queens" -- to go with launching is campaign in 1980 in Philadelphia, Mississippi by extolling the virtues of states' rights.
Shortly after, in 1988, we have George H.W. Bush's infamous, race-baiting "Willie Horton" spot, probably the most overtly racist presidential campaign ad ever.
But to wingnuts like Simon, none of these things damaged race relations in this country as much as President Obama's acknowledging the fact that blacks are often the victims of racism.