Well, it's official. The Quitter's done. On Monday night, she went on Faux News and begged Florida Republicans to vote Gingrich. PALIN: You gotta rage against the machine at this point in order to defend our republic and save what is good
February 1, 2012

Well, it's official. The Quitter's done.

On Monday night, she went on Faux News and begged Florida Republicans to vote Gingrich.

PALIN: You gotta rage against the machine at this point in order to defend our republic and save what is good and prosperous about our nation...So, if for no other reason, rage against the machine -- vote for Newt! Annoy a liberal -- vote Newt! Keep this vetting process going, keep the debate going.

Yes, annoy a liberal -- vote Newt. Because, as everyone knows, what liberals fear the most is a protracted, bloody Republican primary followed by the thrice-married, ethically challenged, hugely unpopular Gingrich facing Obama in November.

That would be so annoying!

Anyway, Florida Republicans apparently don't give a damn what The Quitter thinks -- because after her shrill pleas, Willard promptly kicked Newt's ample butt.

I blame the liberal media, the GOP establishment -- and also, too, ACORN.

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