The President took a veiled swipe at Willard the other day, saying,
Somebody gave me an education. I wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Michelle wasn't.
Obama's larger point was that government should help create opportunities for those not born with a trust fund. Willard didn't like that much.
“I’m not going to apologize for my dad and his success in his life,” Romney said on “Fox & Friends.” “He was born poor and he worked his way to become very successful despite the fact that he didn’t have a college degree.”
No one is asking Willard to apologize for his father's success. Indeed, it's precisely people like Romney's father who Obama is saying government should provide opportunities for. And government did. During the Great Depression, George Romney got a job as an aide to a Democratic Senator, then later as a lobbyist.
George Romney also openly opposed "Mr. Conservative" Barry Goldwater in 1964, and did not seek to roll back the New Deal.
The essential question is this: should government endeavor to make society more fair or should it not? Rockefeller Republicans like George Romney thought it should. The modern GOP, which Willard is the standard bearer, does not.