While it's true supporters of Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry made bigoted remarks about Mormonism, I think this is a new low for the increasingly ugly quadrennial sectarian conflict known as the Republican presidential primary.
DOZIER: See, Mitt Romney has a lot of minuses. Number one, I don't believe that he's going to garnish the black vote like he needs to. Why? Because he's a Mormon. Why? Because in the Book of Mormon, there is a verse in there...that says that the negro is cursed and that his skin is black because of that curse.
Well, if Mormonism is what's holding back Romney with black voters -- what's the rest of the GOP field's excuse? Because 0% of the Arizona Republican primary vote was cast by blacks.
In this interview he also serves up this parody-worthy remark.
DOZIER: God does not have the Robin Hood mentality. That is a socialist mentality. There is no place in the bible, Brook, where God orders -- even mandates -- for the rich to give their monies to the poor or someone take their monies from them.
This guy isn't teaching the New Testament I learned in Catholic school -- he's teaching the Gospel of Supply Side Jesus.
h/t Dave at Video Cafe