In a doozie of a segment where Newt shrugs off birtherism as "no big deal" and says it's "part of the common culture," he also accuses Chris Matthews -- who did a fantastic job on Reince Priebus yesterday -- of being a "racist" fo calling out
August 29, 2012

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In a doozie of a segment where Newt shrugs off birtherism as "no big deal" and says it's "part of the common culture," he also accuses Chris Matthews -- who did a fantastic job on Reince Priebus yesterday -- of being a "racist" fo calling out the GOP's race-baiting.

MATTHEWS: What's a food stamp president?

GINGRICH: A food stamp president's a guy whose policies are so destructive that he creates the longest unemployment [sic] since the Great Depression...

MATTHEWS: Why food stamps?

GINGRICH: ...and he puts more people on food stamps -- most of them white -- than anybody else. Why do you assume "food stamp" refers to blacks? What kind of racist thinking do you have, wait a second, you're being a racist because you're assuming (crosstalk) black.

MATTHEWS: Let me tell you why, because from the beginning of paying attention to politics, Ronald Reagan would talk about the "Welfare Queen" who was African American, he'd talk about the "Young Buck..."

GINGRICH: He didn't say that.

MATTHEWS: Yes he did. He talked about the "Welfare Queen" out in Chicago.

GINGIRCH: Who was African American?


GINGRICH: I don't believe he ever used the term "who was African American."

Sure, Newt. Everyone knows Reagan (who made the whole thing up, by the way) was talking about a white woman driving around in a Cadillac on Chicago's South Side -- and anyone who assumes otherwise is obviously a racist.

Similarly, those "strapping young bucks" buying steaks with their food stamps, goodness me, why would you assume that Reagan was talking about black men? You'd have to be a racist to think so.

You see, that whole Southern Strategy thing wasn't Nixon's brainchild at all -- it was made up by racist liberals like Chris Matthews (even though the former chairman of the Republican Party apologized for it.)

Along those lines, demanding that a black man with an African name produce his papers over and over again (even in the form of legislation) is all just in good fun, and anyone who doesn't think that birth certificate jokes hilarious is himself, racist.

Glad we cleared that up, Newt.

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