Nothing smokes out the wingnut crazy quite like suggesting, as Bob Costas did the other day, that it might be a wee bit too easy to get a hold on the all the guns floating around this country. Take Lars Larson on Fox News.
LARSON: Well, I don't say this lightly Megyn, but Bob Costas, based on the standards of our society today and the standards of our industry...deserves to be fired for these remarks. He's done the equivalent of suggesting that 300M Americans be stripped of a right so important that the Founders of our country put it in the Constitution.
Costas did nothing of the sort. Also, I love it when right-wing propagandists talk about their "standards" on Fox News. Snort.
LARSON: If he had suggested stripping Civil Rights from any other group large or small in this country, for instance, Megyn, if today you said black Americans shouldn't be able to vote, you'd probably either be disciplined or fired tomorrow or later on this afternoon.
Follow that? Somehow "our gun culture is destructive" became "blacks shouldn't be able to vote."
Anyway, there's plenty more crazy in this segment. Love when they compare Costas' criticism of our gun culture to Hank Williams Jr.'s "Obama's like Hitler!" remarks.