Seen the original BP ads? For more of the most cookie-begging ad campaign in the history of cookies, check this out. Or, oooh, this one is just the worst.
Because, y'know, corporations are people. And sometimes they need a pat on the back. Or a hug. Or permission to expand offshore drilling. So BP has introduced Voices From The Gulf!
So, BP has chosen to treat the genuine badassery of people trying to eke out a living in the midst of the shitstorm they created as...wait for it...a branding opportunity. Perfectly appropriate! Thanks BP! We get that you're still in the Gulf, what would it take for you to get the fuck out and take all that oil and Corexit with you? It's hard to count the number of reasons these people should go directly to hell.
For more from the commie conspiracy to make a big deal out of the deformities in seafood, check out this lefty rag.