Above, Pat Benatar performs, Love is a Battlefield. Sometimes we forget that loving our country (and our fellow countrymen) is hard work. Keep up the fight for the better America, it's the best way to show our patriotism.
The Warning warns us that the lessons of the Titanic are enduring.
Diane Ravitch's Blog argues that President Handsome Joe Biden should release Jack Smith's report. ALL OF IT.
Political Irony performs, Hail to the Convicted Felon in Chief.
Chris Arnade Walks The World says we're still a great nation, despite what I usually write.
Bonus Track: Solid Brix Studios Builds Star Wars’ Geonosis out of LEGOs in 9 minutes!
Round-up by Tengrain who blogs at Mock, Paper, Scissors. You can follow Tengrain on the Fediverse, or on BlueSky. Send tips, requests, and suggestions to mbru@crooksandliars.com (with For MBRU in the subject line).