Van Orden Fails Wisconsin Farmers Again
Credit: @HFFiesta on Xitter
October 20, 2024

Representative Drunken Van Orden (Nearest bar stool - WI) loves to brag about how much he loves Wisconsin farmers and how much he does to help them every step of the way. However, those boasts are just the alcohol talking.

In reality, Drunken Uncle has failed them at every turn. Most notably, his refusal to get the farm bill passed before going on recess to lie to the voters about how productive he's been.

But there's more. There's always more.

In a new report, DVO has apparently has decided that his boorish and belligerent behaviors are not just for Senate pages, teenaged library assistants or White House aides anymore. He has now acted the fool towards some farmers who are also his constituents. Farmers Dylan Bruce and Darin Von Ruden flew to Washington, D.C. and were eager to meet with DVO since he claimed to be so pro-farmer. They wanted to discuss the farm bill and some other concerns they had. However, they got the DVO treatment instead:

But when Bruce asked Van Orden questions about the farm bill and the CBO report, he said, it seemed to set the congressman off.

According to Bruce, Van Orden went into a “stream of consciousness, run-on sentence monologue” about the CBO, Bruce said, calling the group “Democratic liars” and the report “bullshit.” He said Van Orden looked agitated and was slapping his desk, saying, “That kind of agitation just built into what really felt like being subjected to a tirade rather than having a conversation.”

Bruce said that Van Orden and his staff were dismissive of him because they believed he was a Democrat, saying he wore “the other jersey” and would never vote for Van Orden anyway.

Bruce, who has been advocating for farm issues since 2017, said it was the most disappointing meeting he’s ever had with a legislator.

“I think that’s inappropriate. I don’t want other farmers or other constituents, no matter what their business is, to have to face that same dynamic,” Bruce said.

DVO is so far gone that he isn't even pretending to serve his constituents, just the ones he thinks will vote for him. That sure makes it seem that he isn't really concerned about doing what's in the best interest of his district, but what will just keep him in the DVO Congressional Bar and Grill.

It's beyond time for DVO to leave the hallowed halls of Congress and into a rehab center.

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