October 20, 2024

Former Republican Rick Wilson explains how Kamala Harris broke Trump's brain on is latest podcast. Wilson says that Republicans marching Trump out on stage is "elder abuse" at this point. Watch the pod video but here are a few highlights from Wilson:

"This is why they're canceling these events. He's too tired. He's too sick. His brain is too broken and he can't keep doing this. He has lost a fundamental edge. You know, there's an old Fitzgerald phrase about bankruptcy.

Ask somebody, how did he go bankrupt? Oh, well, slowly and then all at once. How did Donald Trump go mentally bankrupt? Slowly and then October. He has for the last two weeks displayed an acute, immediate, severe mental decline. His family should frankly have him withdraw from the race and get him some immediate medical attention.

This is elder abuse at this point, folks. It's ugly. It's sad.”

Silicon Valley Billionaires Using Trump to Get in the White House

Wilson explains why so many people follow Trump.

“And the number one thing they loved about Trump was he was the avatar of all their anger. And they blamed it on economic anxiety, which is of course English for racism and oppositional defiant disorder and hatred and a whole variety of bullshit grievances that they claim are the center of their lives and yet are really meaningless in almost every way. He can't deliver any of that now.

Watch the pod video and let us know what you think.

He can't deliver being the angel of their vengeance. He's out there threatening to put his political opponents in jail, but he won't be the president for very long. JD Vance will be the president.

JD doesn't, I'm no fan of JD Vance, but it's hard to see him pulling off and having the power over so many of the Republican-based voters to insist that elected officials follow his lead on something like that, something that egregious. He can't pull off the powerful stage figure, the big entertainer, the macho character. Can't do it anymore. Doesn't work.

A Vote for Trump is a Vote for JD Vance

Anyone with eyes can see Trump isn't up the job he's running for but Wilson says Trump won't be in the top spot lon.

Now, this is the dirty little secret of this campaign. Peter Thiel and JD. Vance and Chuck Johnson and Steve Bannon and all the rest of these people around Trump. Elon. The second Trump by some chance is inaugurated, the clock starts running.

They will replace him under the 25th Amendment because right now, no one, not even probably members of his own family, could sit there and say, with an honest, straight face, that Donald Trump is mentally acute and aware, and able to execute the duties of the president of the United States of America. He is not."

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