October 10, 2024

"We do a lot of these beautiful rallies, and it's so great," the felonious scandal-plagued, repetitious former president said on Wednesday. "We never have an empty seat, never have, look at it." Even though the Santander Arena in Reading, Pennsylvania, can accommodate between 7,200 and 8,800 attendees, where Trump spoke, there were a massive number of empty seats. It's not 2016 anymore.

People in the arena were seen walking about while Bloaty McBatshit was still speaking. Wednesday's rally will give the former President another narcissistic injury.

And in donations, Harris is trouncing Trump. The Trump campaign's report showed that the ex-President raised $43 million in August. In contrast, Harris's campaign raised $190 million in August.

Bye-bye, MAGA.

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