Trump’s D.C. hotel charged U.S. taxpayers more than it charged a Chinese business and members of a foreign royal family, a new report found.
October 21, 2024

When Donald Trump says “America first,” what he really seems to mean is that the U.S. is his first grifting target. Besides duping Americans into believing he’s a great businessman and patriot, the felonious fraudster and sexual predator “has used the presidency—and his years-long pursuit of it—as the world’s greatest get-rich-quick scheme.” That’s a quote from a new report by House Democrats.

C&L reported in 2022 that Donald’s chip-off-the-old-fraudster block, Eric Trump, was caught lying when he claimed that the family company “often gave Secret Service agents their hotel rooms ‘at cost’ or sometimes free. Eric claimed they provided steep discounts for the security team to stay at Trump properties.” In fact, the opposite was true, as per The Washington Post.

Democrats on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee were only able to crunch numbers from Trump’s Washington, D.C. hotel and only for 11 months of Trump’s term, from September, 2017 to August, 2018. What they found in that small window was shocking.

The Washington Post explains:

The House Democrats’ report cites several previously undisclosed instances in which Trump International Hotel charged the Secret Service rates that were not only above the normal government per diem rate but above rates it charged other patrons. The report is based on records Democrats obtained from Trump’s former accounting firm, Mazars USA, along with corresponding special waivers authorizing the Secret Service to make payments above normal government rates.

When Eric Trump visited the hotel on Feb. 22, 2018, two of the rooms the Secret Service rented were charged at $895 each, a 450 percent mark up of the government rate, according to the report. The same evening, more than 100 rooms at the 263-room hotel were rented out at rates lower than $895, “including at least one room rented out for just $150,” the Democrats found.

That night, four rooms for a “Sheikh Al Thani Family Extended Stay” were charged at rates far less than what the Secret Service was charged, according to the report. The Al Thanis, who are a Qatari royal family, were charged $280 for three rooms and $490 for one room.

That’s on top of findings that Trump raked in at least $13.6 million from foreign governments while he was in office. They spent millions at Trump properties and the felon used the office of the presidency to return the favor(s).

If you aren’t already, I hope this will persuade you to do everything possible to keep this criminal huckster and his Project 2025 cohort out of the White House.

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