October 6, 2024

Donald J. Trump denied posting a screenshot on Truth Social showing a fake news endorsement for the presidency from the JP Morgan chief executive, Jamie Dimon. However, it's still there. Dimon, an influential investment banker on Wall Street, denied the endorsement of the desperate ex-president. Trump insisted that he knew nothing about it. Sure, sure, buddy.

Of course, it's still there:

According to a JPMorgan Chase spokesperson, Dimon has not endorsed anyone in the 2024 presidential race. The Guardian reports that Dimon has not contributed any money to the Trump campaign or Trump’s Democratic rival, Kamala Harris.

Xitter users piled in:

Still, without researching the fake endorsement, the lie is spreading.

On Truth Social, the fake endorsement has been shared well over 4,000 times and liked 13,500 times. You would think he would take the post down and fire the alleged individual who posted it, but we know that Trump is the culprit. Donald J. Trump is fake news.

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