October 22, 2024

Minnesota Governor and Democratic VP candidate Tim Walz explained to John Stewart why he could address issues affecting the working class in a way Trump and his wealthy elitist friends can't.

The WSJ explains the vast economic difference between Gov. Walz and JD Vance: Tim Walz’s and JD Vance’s Personal Finances Couldn’t Be More Different, and Walz seized on it while on The Daily Show.

Walz also showed a good sense of humor, which JD Vance clearly lacks.

WALZ: I think I'm still doing it like I said this that I have a skill set that I know it right I said one thing is is I'm I told people I said I'm not that great a debater I was a schoolteacher, so I'm trained to answer questions.

You know that's not a good debating skill to answer.


What I'm most proud of is I'd love this I think it's Wall Street Journal did, they did the financial disclosures, and they said, Tim Walz might be the poorest person to ever run for Vice President.

But surprisingly teachers, nurses, firefighters, and stuff, it does give me an in with people. It gives me an in to talk to hi them about this. Why do you think I'm fighting for these policies for?

Defined benefit pension plans, the ability to form a union, to make it easier to be in a union. Because that's where it comes from.

Well said.

Trump and the MAGA GOP hate unions. They are only interested in the Elon Musk's of the world, not the working class.

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