October 22, 2024

Listening to Trump rallygoers is always weird. They are so programmed by the MAGA cult that they spew nonsense and conspiracies as if they are reality.

Kamala Harris has never said anything this idiot claims.

TRUMP SUPPORTER: Another thing about Kamala is she never mentions America. She's always talking about other countries and trying to, you know, make other countries better than us.

It's very clear and evident that she does that I mean she, Trump is always for America first and Kamala is definitely not like that. That's why you know she's a borders are.

She she wants to destroy our country internally, and I think she's trying to push a civil war on us, too Thank you all for your time.

RSBN: You seem very educated. I'm excited that you're involved and you're getting ready to cast your first vote for President Trump in this election

When the RSBN host says they seem very educated she means they've been very programmed and brainwashed like good Stepford Republicans.,

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