October 23, 2024

This is a story you cannot make up:

” I’m going to see Rupert Murdoch,” Trump said at the end of an interview Friday on Fox News’ Fox and Friends.

“I’m going to tell him something very simple, because I can’t talk to anybody else. Don’t put on negative commercials for 21 days. Don’t put them and don’t put on — they’re horrible people. They come and lie,” the Republican presidential nominee added, seemingly referring to allies of his election rival, Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris.

Trump said he was not sure Murdoch would be “thrilled” he had announced their meeting on air but added, “I’m going to say, ‘Rupert, please do it this way,’ and then we’re going to have a victory because I think everyone wants that.”

This mook has a glass jaw. It will be interesting to see how an unbridled and unprincipled capitalist like Murdoch reacts to a request to TURN DOWN MONEY! Just betting this won’t happen, not just because of the money, but because of contract laws.

TFG remains the dumbest SOB alive.

Republished with permission from Mock Paper Scissors.

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