October 23, 2024

Ohio's race for U.S. Senate is one of the most expensive races in the country. Hundreds of millions of dollars are pouring into the state as outside groups try to sway your vote. Via ABC9:

Political advertisements are running from Democratic incumbent Sherrod Brown and Republican challenger Bernie Moreno. At the end of one of their ads, you will hear the candidate say their name, followed by "and I approve this message." Other political ads run by nonprofits and political action committees (PACs) will attack the opposing candidate.

Some of the political ads attacking Brown include ones from Senate Leadership Fund, a conservative PAC looking to build a Republican majority in the Senate. The political ads attacking Moreno include ones from WinSenate, a liberal PAC hoping to keep the Democratic majority.

Open Secrets, which tracks political spending, reports these outside groups have already spent nearly $259 million on the Ohio Senate race. That number from outside groups is only second to the presidential race.

Sherrod Brown is one of the few voices for unions and the working class in the Senate. It would be a terrible loss to the country if he loses.

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