October 5, 2024

Game 1 of Phillies-Mets is scheduled to begin at 4:08 p.m. Eastern on Fox.

I gotta admit, I'm worried. On paper, you'd expect the Phillies to win this series, but lately the Mets have caught lightning in a bottle. So we'll see. This is the first time ever the Phillies and the Mets have met in the postseason.

While I was at physical therapy yesterday, the guy on the exercise bike next to mine explained his routine for his own private tailgate party. He goes to his basement decked out in full Phillies regalia about four hours before the game, and starts drinking Miller Lite. (He says he needs to be mildly drunk in case the Phils start to collapse.) Then he starts praying to the Buddha statue next to the TV to reach a state of no expectations.

I have no routine, except for switching to Netflix when it feels like Phils are starting to circle the drain and remembering what my dad taught me early on: "Remember, Suze, they could still lose." And he had his unused 1964 World Series tickets to prove it.

How about you? What's your sports ritual? Pizza, cheesesteak, or hoagie?

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