“Anyone who can do that and try to cover it up is a sadistic human and cannot be trusted with the organization’s reputation and employees’ safety,” the letter said.
October 18, 2024

The board of the NRA is facing pressure to suspend the gun rights group’s chief executive, Douglas Hamlin, following revelations that Hamlin was once involved in the sadistic killing of a cat. Via the Guardian:

An anonymous letter sent by “concerned employees” of the NRA to the board contained a litany of concerns about Hamlin, who was appointed in July following a corruption scandal at the group. Chief among those concerns was new revelations – published by the Guardian last week – that Hamlin was involved in the gruesome killing of a house cat named BK when he was the president of his fraternity at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor in 1979.

“Anyone who can do that and try to cover it up is a sadistic human and cannot be trusted with the organization’s reputation and employees’ safety,” the letter said. The employees added: “If something is not done, Doug Hamlin will destroy any chances of a NRA comeback.”

What's the big deal? The Alpha Delta Phi frat boys cut off the animal's paws and then set it on fire for not using the litter box. Just good clean fun that bonds young men and prepares them for life, amirite?

Seriously, what is the organization's "reputation" they're trying to save?

I never realized anyone at the NRA would have a problem with a sadistic animal killing.

Or killing humans, for that matter.

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