October 10, 2024

Newsmax host Greg Kelly came up with a novel idea to defend comrade Trump for giving precious COVID tests to Vladimir Putin while desperate Americans went without during the pandemic.

The MAGA lapdog called it "high-end diplomacy."

KELLY: And you know what? I bet those COVID tests, if it's true, if he gave them to Putin, probably helped the situation. A couple of these things to prevent a war? What do they look like when you pack them all up? A couple of hundred of these things in a bag? Can we take a peek? It's just a bunch of stuff in a bag. Send them to Putin and stop a war. These are COVID tests, right? When they stuck that giant toothpick up your nose. A giant toothpick up your nose prevents a war. Alright, can I see that one more time? I hate to — this is going to be — they want this to be the October surprise. But this is another reason to actually like Trump. Because this is how diplomacy actually works. High-end diplomacy.

I've heard many idiotic defenses of Demented Donald before, but this one is alone in its insipidness.

If Putin attacked Ukraine while Trump was in office, Donald would've tried to force President Volodymyr Zelenskyy to surrender. Trump would have "negotiated" whatever Vladimir wanted by sending disgraced and highly inebriated Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine to tell him what's what.

Also, it's a violation of the Logan Act for Trump to be talking to Putin.

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