"The world is too much with us; late and soon/ Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers/ -- Little we see in Nature that is ours/ We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!" -- William Wordsworth
October 19, 2024

Today, in lieu of music, we offer CineFix's Top 10 Political Films of All Time. You might quibble with the rating of an individual film, or think a runner-up should have won in one category or another, but overall it's a terrific selection and a great resource for your future movie choices.

Obsidian Wings: Being the best.

Political Animal: Why is Trump’s Campaign Trying to Hide Him from Voters?

Mock Paper Scissors: Celebrated Sexist Interviewed by GOP Skirts on Fox News, Who Knew?

Attention space nerds! You Are Here. Euclid 'dark universe' telescope reveals 1st breathtaking images from massive 'cosmic atlas' map.

Round Up by driftglass of the Professional Left Podcast and Science Fiction University

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